Platinum Plan

338 рсд

We offer the most beautiful range of soaps, and you’ll be feeling relaxed, pampered and well-cleansed in no time at all. We can get you started, and we’ll give you all the excuses you need to shower and have a little relaxation time.

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This listing is awesome- Get to try some of our top selling soaps for an awesome price.

1 bar of Jamaican Cerasee Soap;

2 bars of Organic Hemp Soap;

2 bars of Tea Tree Soap with Peppermint;

4 bars of Mint Soap.

Our customers love the variety in this one pound soap sampler box. Each box is filled with a large variety of ends and pieces, just like in the picture. Each piece varies a bit but average about 1 ounce per piece. They come unlabeled in a tissue paper lined box with a card inside. Perfect for gift giving.


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